Monday, October 3, 2011

Baked Pumpkin Donuts

Time for fall cooking!! I found this recipe courtesy of (again, I'm sure you will see a lot of my pintrest finds here).  I bought a donut pan and have been dying to use it and this was a great recipe to try it out on. They are yummy! Sweet, but not too sweet. And they have just the right amount of spice. ( I even made my own homemade pumpkin pie spice for this too. Also courtesy of haha)

So click HERE for the Baked Pumpkin Donuts recipe. And click HERE if you are interested in making your own pumpkin pie spice! Definitely keepers!!

Shredded BBQ Chicken

I know that my Mom makes this sometimes, but I saw a recipe for this online and I forgot how easy this is! It reminded me of how much I LOVE my crockpot and how much I LOVE to eat chicken cooked in the crock pot. This is a two ingredient recipe! So Simple.

4-6 Boneless Chicken Breasts ( Mine were frozen too. First time I have ever just put it in and walked away!)
1 bottle of BBQ Sauce

Put the chicken into the crockpot and pour BBQ sauce over. Then cook on low for 4-6 hours or on high for 2-3 hours. Then shred chicken when still in the crockpot so it will be well coated with sauce.  Serve over rice or make into a delicious BBQ chicken sandwich.